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Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

The 36 Communes

City of Saint-Nazaire

Located between Perpignan and Canet-en-Roussillon, Saint-Nazaire is a rural village between the sea and the mountains. The Nazairien territory offers a summary of the Roussillon landscape. Its coastal location makes it a privileged place for holidaymakers and other nature lovers.

The story

Mentioned as early as the 9th century, "Sancti Nazarii" became "Sanctus Nazarius de la Solsa" in the 12th century. The expression "de la Solsa", associated with the village, probably refers to the soda produced with the help of a plant, the salicornia, which grows in abundance on the banks of the pond. But Saint-Nazaire is also the name of the town's patron saint, quite simply.



Number of inhabitants

In 2021, the town of Saint-Nazaire has a population of approximately 2,728. Its inhabitants are called Nazairiens.

The pond of Canet-Saint-Nazaire

Owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral, it is managed by the Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant du Réart (SMBVR). Its ecological interest has led to its inclusion in the European "Natura 2000" network. From February to May and from August to October, 246 different species of birds can be observed, including 200 migratory birds.