Energy renovation
Because the climate emergency concerns us all, the urban community is supporting all of the territory's actors in the ecological transition.
How much can my roof earn me?
The support for individuals and companies includes the provision of a free platform to simulate the solar potential of their roofs and, for individuals, free support until the installation of solar panels.
Simulate the potential of your roof with the platform below
The solar cadastre gives you the following information:
- The optimal usable surface in m².
- Electricity gains or savings after 20 years.
- Installable capacity for solar thermal or photovoltaic systems
- Production in kWh/year over 20 years
- The estimated cost of the investment
- Environmental benefits of CO2 emission reductions
You can adjust the parameters to evaluate all the possibilities: vary the surface area of the solar panels, choose electricity resale or self-consumption, use solar panels for hot water... You can also test the profitability of the project with or without a loan. After the simulation, there is no risk of solicitation. It is up to you to make the first move if you want to know more with the free advice and support service offered by PMM (below).
It's up to you!
How can I improve the comfort of my home and save money?
For several years, Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole has been developing measures to encourage energy renovation and to provide free and neutral support to individuals in their efforts. It is supported by the Société Publique Locale Perpignan Méditerranée (SPLPM).
In 2020, the Occitanie Region initiated the deployment of Guichets Uniques, a public service to respond to enquiries from individuals about energy renovation. Thanks to this system, residents can benefit from advice, technical and administrative support and financing solutions. The aim is to make homes more economical and comfortable while contributing to a sustainable environment.
The Guichet Rénov'Occitanie - Perpignan Méditerranée is a reliable, neutral partner, independent of any commercial approach . It will help you to find your way around, to decipher the companies' offers, but above all to ensure that they meet your needs and your potential and will help you with your administrative procedures and applications for subsidies.
Guichet Rénov'Occitanie Perpignan Méditerranée
- 04 68 51 70 27
A more comfortable and energy efficient home!
The cheapest and most environmentally friendly energy is the one you don't use!
1. limit needs and improve summer and winter comfort by acting primarily on the envelope (floor, walls, roof) for a better insulated building (less energy consuming) 2. upgrade the various systems in the dwelling to efficient equipment (heating, hot water, ventilation) so that they are not oversized 3. use renewable energies to complete the system. This energy renovation process can be carried out in one or more stages.