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Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

Order my tray

You don't have a bin? Is your bin broken, too old or vandalised? We'll tell you how to get a new one.

Order a bin

Individuals - Professionals

Changing the capacity of a bin

Individuals - Professionals

My bin is broken, it's gone

Individuals - Professionals

Voluntary glass and textile bins ...

Find the nearest collective container in my area

As soon as we receive the form you have filled in, we will contact you as soon as possible. For companies, above 2000l/week you will have to pay a special fee/ Download the special fee regulation.

I am moving in or out

If you move in or out, you will need to close/open your "waste account". Please contact us by e-mail or telephone.

Order a bin :

Change the capacity of the bin :

My tray is broken:

I am applying for a job: