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Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

The PMM territory's bicycle plan

An individual, clean and affordable travel solution for all, a major health asset, a job creator, etc., the bicycle is an opportunity for our region!

Discover the cycling plan

After an initial community cycling plan drawn up in 2000 and then revised in 2010, Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole deliberated on its Bicycle Plan for everyday travel in June 2020.

This Marshall Plan provides for :

A 500km metropolitan network that will give priority to schools, town centres and economic activity zones: 10 cycle routes for everyday users by 2030 and almost €30 million of investment already planned!

Services such as the reinforcement of bicycle rental or the forthcoming creation of a specific identity for the metropolitan cycling network to optimise information on the ground as well as digitally!

Incentives: the Mai à Vélo challenge, Mobility Week... any opportunity is good to encourage cycling!