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Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

Becoming a positive energy territory in 2050

Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole has set itself the goal of becoming a positive energy territory by 2050.

Objective TEPOS!

"TEPOS ? = Positive Energy Territory

A positive energy territory (TEPOS) is a territory that covers its energy consumption by producing local renewable energy (RE).

To achieve this, PMM has set itself the objective of halving its consumption (transport, buildings) and multiplying its production of renewable energy (energy mix) by three within the next 30 years.

TEPOS PMM scenario, in GWh

2018 = 19%

2050 = 100%

Key figures of the Climate Plan diagnosis

The following figures are for the entire PMM territory, i.e. 270,000 inhabitants spread over 36 municipalities, for the year 2017.

Energy consumption by sector in 2017

Energy consumption by type in 2017

Renewable energy production by source in 2017

Greenhouse gas emissions by sector in 2017

The Energy Master Plan

Where to position RE production projects in the territory? What types of RE to develop? How can all local stakeholders be involved to promote the development of renewable energy sources in a shared and accepted manner? What is the potential for reducing the territory's energy needs? What are the necessary investments? How can urban planning be combined with the development of energy networks?

These questions will be answered in the Energy Master Plan (SDE), launched in 2021 for completion in 2023. In short, the SDE is a tool that will enable the objectives of the Climate Plan to be refined, priorities to be put forward, and to be temporalised and spatialised within the territory.

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and carried out with the financial support of the Agency for Ecological Transition.

Breakdown of the annual bill of the PMM territory by energy and sector

The territory's energy bill amounts to €1.4 million per day, or €1,900 per inhabitant, per year, all sectors of activity and all types of energy combined.

annual invoice