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♻️The European Week for Waste Reduction!

What is the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR)?

Coordinated in France by ADEME, the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is a "high point" of mobilization during the year to highlight and disseminate good production and consumption practices that go towards waste prevention.

During the last week of November, everyone can carry out awareness actions: local authorities, administrations, associations, companies, schools, retirement homes, hospitals... but also individuals!

Is set up animations to raise awareness of the fact of :

  • better consumption
  • produce better
  • extend the life of products
  • throw away less

These activities can be aimed at the general public or at a targeted audience, such as elected officials, employees, students, schoolchildren, etc.

The 6 main themes of actions of waste reduction are carried by the EWWR:

  • Waste prevention (eco-design, over-packaging, disposable products
  • Prevention of hazardous waste
  • Prevention of food waste
  • Promotion of composting
  • Reuse/Repair/Reuse
  • Cleaning day


Today, each French person produces an average of 590 kg of household and similar waste per year. The amount of waste has doubled in 40 years: we buy more and more frequently. And products are more and more ephemeral.

Faced with this fact, the reduction of waste is an essential step in order to:

  • to save exhaustible raw materials;
  • to limit the impact on the environment;
  • to reduce the cost of waste for everyone.

The success of waste reduction is therefore based on waste prevention, i.e. before it is produced, because the best waste is the one that is not produced!

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