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Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

Community Animal Pound 2023 Activity Report

On Tuesday March 5, 2023, at the offices of Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole, representatives of the 36 communes were invited to the 2023 activity report of the Fourrière Animale communautaire. In 2023, 2,387 animals were taken into care on the community pound's premises. Of these, 9 dogs out of 10 and 1 cat out of 2 were given the opportunity to find a new family.


The discussion also addressed the management of "free cats" on the territory of Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole. A genuine regulatory tool for granting a status to certain stray cats to combat the ever-increasing proliferation of felines, these animals go from being stray cats to being free cats, by being identified and sterilized, earning the right to live freely in public places. Last year, 1 cat in 4 was released back into its natural habitat after being impounded.


Finally, another important point was addressed during the meeting: the rate of animal identification is still too low, despite the regulations in force. In fact, only 60% of dogs and 13% of cats captured in 2023 were identified. As a reminder, all cats and dogs, whether puppies, kittens or adults, must be identified by microchip or tattoo in the national file for the identification of domestic carnivores (Icad). Identification of an animal enables its owner to be identified and contacted if the animal is found, after having been lost or stolen.

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