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Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

The 36 Communes

City of Canohès

The commune of Canohès is situated on the edge of a subsidence forming a pond with marshy edges which is now largely dried up. Its panoramic wine-growing plateau offers a magnificent view of the Pyrenees and the Corbières massif.

The area of the municipality is 856 hectares and its altitude varies between 54 and 104 metres.

The story

Some pottery and a polished axe found at the Camp del Roure testify to Neolithic occupation of the area. Other pottery and fragments of walls near the church, as well as fragments of amphorae near the Mas de les Coves, prove occupation in Roman times. In the 10th century, Canohès became the property of the Abbey of Lagrasse, whose monks undoubtedly drained the marshes extending over the whole of La Prade, below the village. In the 14th century, the village was fortified. Canohès developed its agriculture thanks to the draining of the marshes and the canal of Perpignan (or Les Canals). This canal was built by King Jacques II of Majorca to irrigate the mills and the royal castles. It crosses Canohès from one side to the other, from the Mas Vézian, coming from Thuir, and beyond the Mas Gaffart, in the direction of Perpignan.



Number of inhabitants

The town of Canohès has approximately 6,311 inhabitants. Its inhabitants are called the Canouhards.

The strengths of Canohès

Since 2008, the town has undertaken to preserve its exceptional environment, aware of the richness that this aspect of our town could represent. Green spaces have been created, and a PAEN (Perimeter for the protection and development of agricultural and natural peri-urban areas) offers a real green lung at the gates of the city. The inhabitants can now be sure that this protected area will remain a reality for future generations. Nature is everywhere in the city.