PLU commune of Cases-de-Pène
The opposable document in the commune is a PLU approved on 27 November 2017 by the Community Council. A Declaration of project with compatibility of the PLU for the realization of a wildlife park called "Ecozonia" was approved by the Community Council on June 28, 2019. The corresponding documents in the file, including the investigating commissioner's report, are available below. The PLU file is also available at the town hall of Cases de Pène and at the headquarters of Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole.
At the same time, the development of an inter-communal Local Urban Plan - Displacement (PLUi-D) is currently underway. Consultation documents are available in the PLUi-D section of the site.
By order of the president of 11 June 2021, Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole prescribed a procedure for modifying the Cases de Pène PLU. The purpose of the modification project n°1 of the PLU is notably to modify certain provisions of the regulations (written and graphic); and to create and delete reserved sites.
The public enquiry took place from Monday 20 September to Friday 22 October 2021. The enquiry report is available here :