PLU commune du Barcarès
Local Urban Plan
The opposable document in the commune is a PLU approved on 17/11/2016 by the Community Council. A simplified modification n°1 of the PLU was approved by the Community Council on 28 June 2019. The corresponding parts of the file are available below. The PLU file is also available at the town hall of Le Barcarès and at the headquarters of Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole.
By order dated 18 June 2019, the President of Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole Communauté Urbaine prescribed a project declaration procedure so that the Community Council could decide on the general interest nature of the project for the extension and urban requalification of the port, and if necessary, the compatibility of the PLU of Le Barcarès.
By deliberation dated 28 June 2019, the Community Council specified the terms and conditions of the prior public consultation governed by the Environmental Code.
This preliminary consultation took place from Monday 15 July 2019 to Friday 16 August 2019. The community council of 15 November 2019 drew up the report. The corresponding deliberation and the report of this consultation are available below.
At the same time, the development of an inter-communal Local Urban Plan - Displacement (PLUi-D) is currently underway. Consultation documents are available in the PLUi-D section of the site.
Port project
By deliberation of 4 June 2019, the Municipal Council of the Commune of Le Barcarès opened the preliminary consultation on the project of extension and urban requalification of the port: Ila Catala. This time of consultation with the public will be held from Monday 24 June to Tuesday 23 July 2019.
The project of extension and requalification of the port
A first phase of consultation, carried out in 2016 and 2017, aimed to present the first thoughts on the project to the inhabitants and users of the port through two public information meetings and an exhibition.
A questionnaire was used to find out more about expectations in terms of development, facilities and services. Three workshops were also organised to present the main components of the project in more detail (Economy - Marina and fishing port - Urban development).
Today, the evolution of the project does not allow the assessment of this first phase of consultation. The Municipal Council of Le Barcarès has therefore agreed to resume a full consultation procedure, taking into account the contributions already made during the consultation conducted in 2016 and 2017.
The preliminary consultation on the Ila Catala project involves the inhabitants, users, local associations, local authorities and all other persons concerned.
It meets the following three objectives:
To present the challenges and ambitions of the marina extension and urban requalification project, its context and its actors;
Present the progress of the project, its fundamentals and the development intentions;
Inform those affected so that they can participate, ask questions and contribute to the project.
By deliberation dated 30 September 2019, the Community Council of Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole Communauté Urbaine created a deferred development zone (ZAD) on part of the territory of the municipality of Le Barcarès, in the sector of the mouth of the Agly. The corresponding documents are available for download below.