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Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

✂️The 3 murals of the Pont-Rouge Residence in Perpignan have been inaugurated!
✂️[#Inauguration] The 3 murals of the Residence Pont-Rouge in Perpignan have been inaugurated!

The Habitat Perpignan Méditerranée department is committed to quality of service by offering innovative cultural projects to residents. The goal is to introduce culture, to enhance the heritage and history of Perpignan.

👉These three frescoes are part of a project with multiple objectives: to enhance the building and arouse the curiosity of the inhabitants but also of the tourists, to inscribe the frescoes in a touristic visit (animations, projects, educational, ...) and to pay tribute to the Bella dolls, great industry of Perpignan.

🎨They measure 100 m2 each, they were made by the company Cité Création and they all refer to the history of our territory: arboriculture, the Castillet, the mountain landscape, the coastline, the Pic du Canigou, the vine, ... .

The financing of the project is based entirely on Habitat Perpignan Méditerranée's own funds.

Stéphane Loda, vice-president of Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole and mayor of Canet-en-Roussillon was present for the inauguration of this beautiful project accompanied by D.Tranchecoste, deputy mayor of Perpignan, A. Bonnet, deputy mayor of Perpignan, B.Vial, president of ESH Habitat Perpignan Méditerranée, I.Bertran, deputy mayor of Perpignan, and H.Bensaid, project manager of CitéCréation.

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