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Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole

✂️ Inauguration of the new premises of the CCAS in Saint-Laurent de la Salanque

[#Inauguration] ✂️ Inauguration of the new premises of the Communal Center of Social Action of the City of Saint-Laurent de la Salanque

👉 This brand new space will allow to answer more efficiently to the needs and concerns of the inhabitants of the commune. Whether in terms of assistance, support, health, housing, training, integration, ... .

👫There will no longer be two, but four agents and a volunteer civic service, which will be available to Laurentines and Laurentins. A team of professionals who will be able to welcome you in this brand new environment that privileges confidentiality and will allow to find solutions adapted to your needs.

🤝 Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole supports this social action that allows to bring moral help as well as punctual or lasting material resources to people who need it to overcome life's obstacles.

📌 The Urban Community has provided financial support to the tune of 116,250 euros through the 2020 competition funds, which represents 50% of the total expenditure for the construction of these new premises. It also financed the acquisition of the furniture of this new center up to 50%, that is to say 3,273.35 euros within the framework of the funds of Contest for the year 2021.

👏 A big bravo to all the actors, companies, volunteers who contributed in one way or another to this beautiful restructuring of the new Communal Center for Social Action!

The inauguration took place on Thursday, March 09, 2023, in the presence of Alain DARIO, vice-president of PMM representing Robert VILA, president of PMM, Alain GOT, mayor of the city of Saint-Laurent de la Salanque, Madeleine GARCIA-VIDAL, departmental councillor, representing Hermeline MALHERBE, president of the Departmental Council of the PO, Pascale PELOUS, 5th deputy delegate for Social Affairs in Saint-Laurent de la Salanque.

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