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💧🏗️ Opening works of the Têt river mouth in Canet en Roussillon

[#works] 💧🏗️ Zoom on the opening of the mouth of the Tet in the city of Canet en Roussillon

🗓️Last year, a first operation of re-centering of the mouth of the Têt had been carried out in April. This had allowed the mouth to drift naturally northward for several months. At the end of January 2023, the new mouth filled in during a maritime episode, allowing it to return to its former trajectory further south. To limit this erosion on the southern bank, a new intervention was carried out by Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole on April 12 and 13, 2023.

👉The objective of this type of intervention is to limit the erosion caused by the mouth on the southern bank. Indeed, the mouth of the Tet is said to be mobile, it drifts according to the meteorological forcing that it undergoes.

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